
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cheese and Whine

I have to float to a department I have never been to today and I really have a bad attitude about it.  I am trying to have an attitude adjustment, but I just think it sucks that they float as all around to these departments we have never been to when the people in these departments 1. never really seem that busy anyway adn 2. could never come and help us when we are busy.  I know I would just be happy I have a job and only have to work part time, but this will be the 2 shift out of 3 that I have had to float. The OR nurses in the main hospital never have to float, but u slowly surgery center ones have to all the time.  Hopefully work will get busier again soon and I won't have to worry about it.  Wish me luck today!

What do you have to do at work that you resent?
Am I totally being a big baby here! Ha you don't have to anwer that one! :)


  1. Ooh I despise floating! Especially if they float us from an ICU (where we're used to having one or two patients per day) and then we have to go to the floor/stepdown where they have three to five patients...NOT OK. Totally different type of nursing that I'm not used to.
    Good luck!

  2. One thing at work that I really resent doing is changing poopy diapers and the fact that I never get paid. :)

    Good luck with work frustrations and don't worry, Friday is just a day away!

  3. My least favorite thing is all the red tape I have to go through to do my job!! I'm a social worker so there are so many political aspects of it all! Can't wait for the abs post!

  4. Ummm, i could go on and on about all the BS that I have to put up with from male managers at work. And I throw in the 'male' part because I'm the ONLY female supervisor. There are no female managers either. Men just think with their peepees and not with their heads. ok, i'm done.

  5. Ugh! I hated floating when I worked in the hospital. I hope your day goes ok. The worst part was not knowing where to get things and nobody would talk to you or help you! I considered leaving my job and going back to the hospital a few months ago and floating was one of my top reasons for deciding to stay where I am.

  6. I think this sums up why I love working for myself--no one to tell me what to do!

  7. Hey there! Just found your blog and love it. I am your newest follower! And got some rock solid abs! Wowzers! Keep up the great work.

    I'm a stay at home mother of 3 so I shouldn't really "resent" anything, right?
    But I do hate dishes and laundry. Yuck! I am definitely a baby about that :)

  8. I hear you with floating...always feel like a fish out of water. I work on a busy med-surg floor & rotate to nights occasionally, so whenever I float I end up with the crap (pun intended ;)) patients and the higher patient load because 'she works nights, she can handle 7 patients'! Good thing I like being busy ;-P

    I want to work where Neon blonde works....3-5 on the floor! Wow! Good is 5, normal is 6, and short is 7 on days! On nights I get 7-10....and we are Level 2 trauma stepdown...these are sick peeps!

  9. I hate setting up Medicaid apnea monitors. The parents are usually noncompliant and are constantly breaking the cables. They are not paying for it so they don't care about taking care of it.

  10. Aww... I am sorry! I couldn't imagine having to float to another unit. I like my ortho patients...anything else and I feel lost! I hope today wasn't too awful!

  11. I complain about work all the time, I don't blame you! I can't stand when we aren't allowed to be late for anything (ex. picking up our class for lunch, we seriously get in trouble for walking in ten seconds after the clock changes) but everyone else can be as late as they want when they have to pick up our classes!

  12. I hate MEETINGS. I just got promoted and of course am really grateful...but suddenly I'm expected to go to all these MEETINGS. And most of them are useless. I'd rather be doing the new work that I was excited about than talking about it endlessly.

  13. Floating is NOT COOL. What do I hate as a substitute teacher? Not much right now. My job is pretty relaxed, I take no work home and I hang out with high schoolers who want to be my best friend, plus summers off (sorry but it's amazingly true!). I guess the only downfall is the insecurity - might not get called in every day...and you don't really know which school you are going to until the night before or morning of!

  14. Ugggg, the worst is having to fill in for someone else. Good luck. :)


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