1. I have officially pulled my cold weather winter running gear out from under my bed and put it to use. With windchills of -1 on Tuesday I didn't have much choice. I dreaded it a bit, but at the same time we have had an extremely mild fall overall so I can't complain much. I was quite toasty on my run except for the time I took off my gloves to retie my shoes. My fingers got cold fast.
2. Pulling out my cold weather gear inspired me to clean out my closet in general and I ended up taking a rather large pile of old clothes and shoes in to be donated yesterday. That felt great and my closet looks oh so much better. I also donated some bags of things we had in the basement. YAY for a mini purge.
3. One of the places my long run on Tuesday took me was through a pasture with the three year old cows. They were quite curious about me and ran the length of the field with me along the creek. and when I stopped to fix my shoe and I look up...
4. I know the theme of this was 5 products that get a thumbs down.. I hate bashing things but I will say I would never buy a Running Skirts skirt with the briefs in them again. The recommended size gave me a wedgie with the briefs and the skirt rode up... when I went with a size up it felt way too big and I didn't like it. I feel a bit naked with just briefs under a running skirt anyway. I like the shorts underneath.
5. What I do love is INKnBURN running skirts.. the shorts underneath have the best pockets on them for storing things like my iphone, chapstick, fuel for the long run and they are pretty so that makes them fun to run in. I did all my long runs for marathon training in them last year.
linking up

Link up with Running on Happy & Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five 2.0 linkup!
Have you ever tried Skirt Sports running skirts? No chafing!
ReplyDeleteI too had to get out all my cold stuff! Up until this morning I was still in shorts. But I had to go inside and change into pants 1 mile into my run today because I felt like the cold was stabbing me in the legs! The tights were much toastier. Boo hoo I guess fall is over.
ReplyDeleteTHOSE COWS!!!!
ReplyDeleteHooray for cleaning out your closet! I'm going NUTS on waste in 2017!:)
ReplyDeleteThis week was also the first time I had to pull out the running tights!
ReplyDeleteI love Running skirts, skirts but I ordered one on accident that had the briefs underneath instead of the shorts. I too felt too "revealed" so the one and only time I ever ran in it is when I put it Overtop of a pair or compression short! I figured that would prevent the wedgie!
OMG #3. Hahahaha!! "We see you..."
ReplyDeleteThank you for that comment on the running skirts! I want shorts under mine too. I have a few skirts with undies and yikes. I love my Inknburn skirt.
ReplyDeleteThat cow picture is priceless :) I'm not a fan of running skirts in general, but if I do wear one they have to have shorts under-I tried the Oiselle skirt that came out last year and the brief was a terrible idea!
ReplyDeleteGood job on the clean up! I always like taking lots of bags to the good will! it makes me feel like a good person, AND it makes space in the closet!!