2 hours of horseback riding. The kids got to try out some more advanced horses and both did amazing and loved it! Time to get them an upgrade I guess! I rode my daughters horse much to the kids amusement.
Monday: 24 minute strength workout that was low impact. Took it easy, knees were upset from riding my daughter's horse the day before, for some reason it made my knees swell up. They didn't hurt, but as soon as I got off Shorty both knees seemed to pop and then swell, and they felt funny to bend deep. They were quite a bit better on Monday but I didn't want to push it.
Tuesday: First day of school for the kids. 5 mile run for me
Wednesday:4 miles running easy
Thursday: 14.6 miles with my little sister Jessica. SO fun to get to run with her again. The first half was uphill although nothing was as bad as the first 2 miles which seemed to be straight up hill. We didn't so much as puff out more than 2 or 3 words the whole time and I thought we weren't going to get to talk the whole run! But once we got up on top and caught our breath there was lots of talking. The views were very worth the climb. We of course had a photo session.
and yes we ran all matchy matchy. She's an InknBurn addict too. Everyone who saw us was impressed (her two kids and our parents) Her son's reaction
We did of course plan to match
I really only had 12 miles on my plan, but since we stopped twice for pictures and walked once, I figure its fine.
Friday: The only day this week I actually had to go to work. When I got off work it was so beautiful out I couldn't resist a run. It felt really good after the long run the day before so I added some speed. Normally I don't run on Fridays but I knew chances of running over the weekend were really bad.
Saturday: I got up and did a 24 minute HIIT at 4. Chances of running were bad, because both days we were up before sunrise to catch horses and get out to where we needed to be by sunrise. Saturday we left the house at 5:55 and were still almost late. The sun was just coming up when we pulled our trailer into the line up. We had a portable corral setup and we use the trucks and trailers as a wing to help guide the cows and calves into the corral.

and four hours later we were pushing them into the corral. This weekend was all about preconditioning. What is that you ask? Everyone's cattle program is a little different, but it consists of vaccines, checking the health of the calf overall, a vaccine booster, taking the bulls out of the herd and fly dope for everyone. The biting flies are terrible this time of year and cause a lot of stress. We do this because it adds value to the calves, they do better during weaning and it results in a lower morbidity and mortality at the feedlot.
The kids found an enormous spider and that kept them entertained for quite awhile.
We got home from working cows at about 4:30. I showered and was in bed by 6:45. My husband was already sleeping. It was a long day!
Miles run for the week 30.9
Strength workouts: 2
yoga 2
Overall a great week. I already miss my sister and the kids miss their cousins but we are so grateful to have seen them. My little sister and I are thinking we may have to plan a marathon together soon.
How was your week?