I think recording my workouts is motivational for me so even if they aren't the most interesting thing in the world I am going to keep posting them.
Sunday 7.5 mile run
35 minutes yoga from Runners World
Monday 5.5 mile run
45 minute yoga
20 minute HIIT workout
Tuesday 20 minutes of rowing
Wednesday 16 minute HIIT workout
Thursday 60 minutes of yoga
3 mile run (had to cut it short due to a foot issue, new problem)
45 minutes elliptical
16 minute HIIT strength workout
Friday Rest Day
Saturday 8 miles of cycling (about 35 minutes)
25 minutes elliptical
2.5 hours of hiking with the family
Run 3 16 miles
Yoga 3
Rowing 1
HIIT strength 3
Elliptical 2 70 minutes
Cycling 1
Hiking 1
Rest days 1
Lots of cross training this week but mostly that is due to have a niggle in my left foot. I was told Friday to not run on it for a week and after that go back into it slowly if my foot tolerates it. None of the cycling, elliptical or hiking I did Saturday bothered it in the least so I am optimistic that my foot will heal quickly.
The most sad thing about it is that I was hoping to run my first 5k in forever today, but there will be more. and the weather has been beautiful. Hard to not get to run when we finally have three days of beautiful spring weather and it is going to snow again tonight.
and picture overload, but as the kids declared it was a "best day ever" yesterday and we have lots of great pictures to prove it. We haven't had a family hike in awhile so Rance and I wanted to take the kids where we went last weekend.
perfect place to picnic |
We found several rocks like this, we like to call them dragons. Since there were so many in this area we are calling it the land of the dragons. Kids are so much fun.
This we named Stonehenge
My son spotted where my dad carved his initials almost 30 years ago, I would have been about as old as my son when my dad carved these.
The kids found some treasures: feathers, antlers, some animal jawbones and some deer hair.
Creative fencing.
A perfect place to rest.
tons of small fossilized shells, my paleontologist want to be son loves these
Another awesome hike, and all after both of the kids finally mastered bike riding on gravel roads. Seriously I am so blessed to have such beautiful and fun places to hike. I grew up on the ranch and rode my horse everywhere on it, but getting down and taking time to explore the nooks and crannies is priceless to me and to get to do it with my kids is even more fun. I haven't done so much fun exploring on the ranch since I was young and it was our backyard.

How was your week?
Anyone interested in what I do for HIIT workouts? If there is I could start posting them, if not, I guess they will be my little secret.