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The kids had a lot of fun! |
Packet pick-up was Saturday and seemed well organized. There was a small race expo and I picked up a few gels, a running shirt that was on sale, and a new SPIbelt that is water resistant, with gel loops on it.
I set all my marathon clothes, gear, etc out before I went to bed and set three alarms in case one of them failed.
Marathon morning I got up around 3:30 when the first alarm went off, not that I really slept much. I think I was awake most of the night.
The hotel I was staying had a shuttle to the buses that were taking us out to the start of the race, so I caught the 4:30 one and enjoyed chatting with the other runners. Most seemed to be doing the half.
I sat with another girl who was doing her first marathon also and the time to the start seemed to fly by.
We got out to Frenchtown where the race was starting just as the walkers were starting at 5. Fireworks were set off as they left. There were LOTS of porta potties and I used one as soon as I got there and got back in line again at 5:30 to empty the tank. This time there were longer lines, but they seemed to move pretty fast.
I got to the start line with about ten minutes to start and stood with the 3:40 pace group. I decided this would be a good place to start. My biggest goal was to finish the marathon in under four hours, but I also felt like I could do a 3:40 if things were going good. The temp was a lovely 50 degrees.
At 6 am the gun went off! So exciting! I had to work really hard to keep my pace above 8 minute miles. My legs felt really good, but I knew I had a long way to go, so I kept slowing myself down. The 3:40 pace group was way ahead of me for the first four miles but then they slowed down, and I stayed with them for a short time, but decided to push on.
I made sure to take time to enjoy the beautiful scenery and ran with out my ear buds in for the enitre first half. I concentrated on my form, keeping the pace manageable, hydrating at every water station and trying to stay relaxed!
My body kept wanting to do more like a 7:50 pace, I considered letting it, but since this was my first marathon I thought it would be better to run more conservatively. My problem is that I am a competitor and I want to do the best that I can. I want to see how far I can push my body.
Here are the splits from the first half. I was feeling great and was confident going into the second half. I had eaten a Roctane at mile 5 and a peanut butter GU at mile 10.
Mile 14 had the only hill of any real significance and going up it was hard but it didn't take my legs long to recover and fall back into the pace I had been running. At mile 18 I remember thinking "Wow I feel really great. 8 more miles is going to be cake" Ahh famous last words.
At mile 19 my guts started feeling..gurgly...My legs still felt good though, my breathing felt good. I saw a porta potty sometime after mile 20 that was open and hopped in. I was in for maybe a minute? I didn't really keep track but I do know that when I got out my legs protested. Apparently there were under the impression that the party was over.
I ate another Roctane (bad choice, I should have picked the peanut butter GU, but orange vanilla sounded better at that point) thinking maybe it would help get some zip back in to my legs. I gagged trying to swallow it (bad sign). Pretty soon I was dry heaving. I stopped and walked a couple of times letting the nausea subside, but every time I started running again it just came back. I decided I better just get it over with and made myself run until I finally puked.
There I was 22 miles in, puking my guts out. Orange vanilla flavored puke. I think I still had all the water in my stomach from the last 3 hours because there was a lot of it. A bystander came and asked me if I was okay once I was done and I told her I thought I was better now.
My guts did feel a lot better, but my legs felt stiff and sore. I couldn't get them back on pace and they kept cramping up. It was a little discouraging to have felt so great for so long and now to feel so crappy so close to the end. Not to mention getting passed by the 3:40 and the 3:50 pace groups.
I was so determined to get in under 4 hours though so I kept moving as much as I could, although mentally I was feeling a little very discouraged. I didn't just feel like I had hit a wall I felt like I had slammed into it repeatedly.
Finally I came around the last turn in the road to the finish line where I knew my mom and kids were. As my watch beeped 26 miles at me, as if on cue my quads cramped up. I was not going to walk the last .2 (really last .3) and I hobbled (I felt like a duck running) across the bridge to the finish line. I still managed to smile and wave to my mom and the kids though.
My splits from the second half. A little disapointing at the end, but it gives me something to improve on :)
Elevation profile from the race.
The race was very well organized and coordinated. The volunteers and water stations were all awesome. The weather was pretty good until about the last hour when it started to get hot. I think they had a post race festival as well, but at that point all I wanted was to take a shower and start the long drive home.
I ended up
22 out of 73 in my age group
93 out of 534 women
I can be happy with that.
I did get this photo as soon as I got back to my hotel room, which graciously allowed for late check out for the runners.

- People aren't kidding when they say there are the first 20 miles and then the even longer 6.2
- People aren't kidding when they saw you will go through every emotion before the end.
- I am wondering if fueling every 5 miles was too much for my stomach.
- At least I know I was taking in enough fluids
- if you would have asked me yesterday I would have said no to another marathon
- I am sure I will post more on the marathon, like what the medal and the race shirt look like later
Congratulations on an AMAZING first marathon!!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats marathoner!!
ReplyDeleteMy first marathon was tough. Aside from the rain the entire marathon, my IT band was hurting (never having hurt before in training) at mile 16 so I had to hobble the last 10 miles. But you know what. I've ran 3 marathons since then. I know this isn't your last marathon. And you will rock your next one :) Congrats again!! You rock!
congrats on the finish, you're a marathoner! the stomach is so hard to keep settled for those 26 miles, proud of you that you fought through it and finished like a champ. it takes awhile to figure out how to keep the body calm, strong, and settled for this distance...still trying to figure it out and i'm on my 7th.
ReplyDeletehope you are resting up and soaking up every moment of a well deserved recovery time!
Oh wow - still a STUNNING time despite the gut rebellion at the end - I am SO excited for you!!!
ReplyDeleteYou'll be strategizing this race and planning for the next one before you know it!
Way to go! In my book, you're a rockstar! Under 4 hours is amazing. I'll be happy to finish under 6 and injury-free. You are a MARATHON RUNNER! I hope you smile every time a muscle aches this week, know what an awesome thing you just accomplished!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Christy - YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and in under 4hrs too!!!!!! YAY :) I've never run a marathon but I have read about them and run a few races - no one can ever tell you what race day will give you. I think you did a GREAT job and I am so very proud of you :D
ReplyDeleteI have fueling as it makes me sick too.....I have no idea what I'd be like in a marathon, I'd probably walk most of it :)
So happy for you. Congrats to the Marathon Runner. I understand only to well when you were talking about the puking. I did the same thing on my second marathon. The marathon I did in June,I wasnt about to take any gels. I took along some protein bites. I relied on water, gatorade and my protein bites. It worked for me. I had a friend tha runs alot of marathons and she was literally puking after every marathon. She was telling someone that happened to be a nurse and she told her she need protein. She now eat a little protein during her marathons and has no issues with puking. After each marathon I think I've said the same thing and than I sign up for another one. I tell people running a marathon is like having a baby to me. No matter how bad and painful it is you forget it a week or two after you ran it, and are ready to do it again. Just like have kids you forget how painful having kid can be a couple weeks after you have them.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I'm so happy that you ran a smart race, and had a good time while tackling the 26.2. Also so happy the weather was a nice temp for you :) it's been awesome following your journey to your first full.
ReplyDeleteThe inevitable adversity that comes along with marathons is the reason I keep coming back to do them. Half marathons, no problem for me- but marathons boy are those another story. Each one always presents a new set of challenges to overcome. You managed to pick yourself up after earning your puke badge and finish strong. That is amazing!
It looks like you and your family had an awesome weekend
Now go take some rest and bask in the fact that you are now a MARATHONER!
Congratulations on your marathon, under 4 is quite impressive given your obstacles in the last several miles. Hope you are resting and recovering well!
ReplyDeleteYou are one tough runner!!! I think marathons are really mentally challenging, then to throw some physical challenges on top?? WAY TO OVERCOME and WAY TO RUN!!! You gotta be pretty proud of yourself!
ReplyDeleteOH CHRISTY! AWESOME JOB, MARATHONER! Ha your barfing pace is on par with my race pace. LOL Man you finished that baby and cramps or not you were safely SUB 4! No, be prepared for every emotion in the book for the next week. Post marathon blues is real, but stay proud of EVERYTHING you accomplished!
ReplyDeletesorry about the 'bubbly guts', but nonetheless you still were able to salvage your time with all those miles you Banked in the beginning. i fear the last 6.2 as well with what everyone says, scary to know that was confirmed after reading your recap. Awesome job
ReplyDeleteCongrats on a great finish!! You pushed through the dreaded wall and showed that junk who's boss!
ReplyDeleteYou are a MARATHONER!!!! So so so happy and proud for you! So sorry the end didn't turn out like you planned but next time you will dominate it. Plus - look at that elevation profile! AN ALL UP HILL RACE?? Please let me never do that one! In my recent marathon I felt pretty nauseous the last 10k as well and I think that the Roctane (i never had that in training) and Gatorade (I usually had Nuun) were bad decisions on my part. Do you have another marathon picked out?? :-)
ReplyDeleteI really feel like the first one is just an experiment - it takes a few rounds to really figure out the distance and how you need to deal with it.
ReplyDeleteFor fueling, I've heard there's a difference in fueling during training, and fueling during racing - when you're pushing harder than you do in training, the same fueling plan just might not work.
Congratulations, marathoner!!
Congrats!!! Awesome job! I would have been crying by the side of the road after the puking, good for you for persevering!! So excited to read about your next running journey :)
ReplyDeleteYou did it & you are a marathoner. Way to go! I am so incredibly proud of you and for keeping going even after you puked!
ReplyDeleteCONGRATS MARATHONER!!!! so many incredible things about this post...your incredible strength to keep pushing after going through so much at mile 19. seriously amazing. and the race is gradual uphill the entire time!?! that is simply amazing. you are a rock star! you inspire me with both your mental and physical strength! im so excited for you! i hope you celebrate and are so proud of completing your first marathon. and of course i must say that you MUST run another...you will dominate! :) congrats again. i feel like i could write forever...im just so excited to see you conquer this goal!
ReplyDeleteawesome job!!!!! just finishing is a huge accomplishment! anything else is just icing on the cake!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! A sub four is amazing and I commend you for carrying on in spite of less than perfect conditions. The first marathon is always a learning experience since you do not know what to expect. Now that you know I am sure that your second marathon will be everything you want it to be! You are now a marathoner!! Welcome to the club!!
ReplyDeleteOh man, that stinks about your stomach acting up, but you still killed your race and now you know that you should fuel differently for the next one. Congratulations. You finished and were awesome!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry about the stomach stuff, but a sub-4 for your first marathon is amazing! You really did well and you stuck it out. Things will only be better the next time you try one (and as I've said before a chilly day is such a boon for a marathoner--think fall and winter!). Congratulations, Christy! I'm really happy for you.
ReplyDeleteChristy...what a recap!!! Taht is an amazing accomplishment, and YOU DIDN'T GIVE UP...I love how you just ran until you puked! sometimes I suppose it is just better to get it over with, huh?
ReplyDeleteYou look great in that last pic of you...congratulations...i am sure there will be many many more down the road for you ;)
Congrats!! You fought hard for that one!! I could tell there was nothing more you wanted to do than to meet that time goal! I've never gotten sick during a marathon but I've gotten super stiff legs after taking a bathroom break. There's something odd about locking up. High five and a big hug to you! You're a marathoner!
ReplyDeleteCongrats!!! YOU DID IT! You are a marathoner!!!Way to push through the tough points and stick it out! So happy for you1 Awesome job!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Christy!! I am so incredibly proud of you. Fighting through the pain and fatigue you were dealing with those last 6 miles says so much about your character. I know how strong you are and I am incredibly proud of you. The marathon is such a humbling experience.
ReplyDeleteI'm so proud of you! Way to get the puking during a race thing out of the way in your first go. :)
ReplyDeleteI would think a Gu every 5 miles sounds like a lot, especially for someone like you who has a high weekly mileage base and your body is used to running. I never take more than 3 Gus for fear of GI upset, even when I ran the 50 miler.
I bet you'll never have the orange vanilla flavor again :)
Congratulations marathoner!! Sub-four is fantastic...and really impressive given your stomach issues! Great job!
ReplyDeleteI am so proud of you, congrats!! And under 4 hours for your first one is awesome! I'm just shooting for 5 at mine!!!
ReplyDeleteNot gonna lie...I think you are badass and hearing you describe how painful it is kinda freaks me out :)
Congrats!! YOU DID IT! Yes, it's true the marathon really starts after the first 20 miles. But you toughed it out and finished under 4 hours. Way to go!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Marathoner!! You did so well with all the stomach issues towards the end -- think of how well the next one will be! I'm so happy for you!
ReplyDeleteWell first of all CONGRATS on finishing your first marathon and all in under 4 hours...very impressive. I have to admit I was pretty surprised to hear you got sick since you trained so well...but I suppose our body throws us things all the time and you dealt with it like a champ...I probably would have dropped out :(. Any plans for another??
ReplyDeleteGreat job! Sorry to hear the end was so miserable for you!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the marathon! Awesome! Congrats for gutting it out near the end, those mile splits near the end look rough.
ReplyDeleteYou had a great race - until mile 20 you were on 8-830 pace. Maybe the heat started to get to you around mile 20, but it is hard to know what happened at that point. Hard to know whether it was over-hydrating or under-hydrating, or something different. I guess that is the hardest thing to try to figure out. I think fueling every 5 miles is about right, unless you are taking in enough calories via sportsdrink to not need to taken in more calories via gel or something else.
Not sure if you've ever tried endurolytes - they are pills that help to prevent cramping, I usually take one every 4-5 miles or so.
We seem to be fairly similar runners, my only marathon I got your exact same time. Before I got injured my target time for my 2nd marathon was around 330-340, so I think you can get somewhere in that vicinity the 2nd time around.
Hi, I linked to your blog from See Mom Run Far and enjoyed reading your marathon recap. Congratulations on going sub-4 your first marathon, even while battling the issues that you had. That is a huge accomplishment!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, you are a MARATHONER! So proud of you and way to stick it out. Marathoners are amazing, we overcome the adversity and find a way! Sub 4 is OSOM for the first time out! I have told my wife every after each of my 10 Marathons, "never again! I am running Twin Cities in October and Marshall in November and Boston in April 2013, (providin it doesn't fill up). In other words, start lookin for your next one, a sub 3:50!
ReplyDeleteGreat job! Way to persevere even through the orange vanilla:(
ReplyDeleteOh Christy you did awesome!!!! I felt your pain when you said it felt like you ran in to the wall repeatedly!!! What a great moment to share with your daughter though! You just have to go for it again! You rock....orange vanilla and all!!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats!!! You did it and under 4 hours! Freaking AWESMOE!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome job Christy! You did it and rocked it even while puking:) very impressive! I bet you will never eat an orange vanilla roctane again:)
ReplyDeleteyou did it and you did it GREAT!
ReplyDeleteso happy for you!
under 4 hours!!!!! fantastic!
I am sorry to read you had GI problems, I can relate and I know how hard and frustrating it is to deal with that
you are a marathoner! not many people can say that!
Congrats! I'm so impressed that you toughed it out like that after puking--tough break for you. I think you definitely have better in your legs based on some of your past times. BUT--it was marathon number one and there is SO much to figure out with marathoning. I'd guess you are onto something w/ the thought that every 5 miles was too close together. practice makes perfect and I have a feeling you'll be back for another before too long!
ReplyDeleteYou are a marathoner!!
Congrats!!! You did a great job! Every marathon is a learning experience and each one is it's own journey. Enjoy the celebrating and recovering! :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on finishing your first!!! Sorry that you got sick, but you still rocked the sub-4!
ReplyDeleteChristy!!!!! Congrats, my dear MARATHONER!!!!
ReplyDeleteSo proud of you for pushing through the vomit and HORRIBLE cramps at the end.......I cannot tell you how much your recap reminded me of my FIRST marathon in november 2011...I stopped for a second when my contact lens came out and that was the END for me...I had TONS of cramps (that I could not run through) after that (I think it was the fact that I stopped for a second and then restarted that caused the problem) and just finished under 4 hours, may have even been the exact same time, not sure. I had given up and called Tappan to come get me.
I am so proud of how you were super smart with your pacing, even though you could have totally gone faster in the beginning, you held tight and saved some reserve for later. I really think that if you hadn't gotten sick and had to stop to use the porta potty, you would have pushed through and totally beat your original goal. You are going to do SO well in your next marathon, I just know it.
Again, congrats on getting a sub 4 hour marathon on your first attempt, you are amazing!!!!!!!
Congratulations Christy! Sub-4 for your first marathon is such an accomplishment. As always I'm so impressed with what a strong, fast runner you are! Hope you are taking a few days to rest your legs.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on finishing!! It sounds like you had a very tough battle but you pushed through, I'm betting you have another marathon in you as you'll want to beat your time.
ReplyDeleteYou are a rock star for running a sub-4:00 first marathon, especially with those stomach issues!!
ReplyDeleteGreat job! Wow -- under 4 hours! That is awesome. You did it. I think the first time is the hardest. It will only get easier from here on out! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteWOOHOO! Congrats on becoming a full marathoner! Sorry that you had to puke. I've never had to experience that but I can't even imagine! So happy you were able to finish and come in a great time. Under four hours is amazing! I bet you're already looking to do your next one! ;)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! You are a marathoner! What an accomplishment and also to finish under 4 hours, way to go!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry that you got sick, I hope it never happens again. I definitely fear that one thing! lol
It totally sounds like you had a whole wave of emotions and I am so sorry you had a hicup in the middle, its never fun throwing up or dry heaving but wow you still did better than I ever could, great job!!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on finishing your first and still coming in under your goal time!!! Sounds like those last few miles were really tough, but so glad you were able to get through them. You are a marathoner!! No one can take that away!! Way to go!
ReplyDeleteWay to go Marathon Mama! So happy for you to reach your goal of a sub-4hour race and get it done. Now you know what to expect the next time.
ReplyDeletecongrats christy!!! way to fight through those last miles!
ReplyDeleteCongrats! And we all always say "no more marathons" until we sign up for the next one! Rest up and enjoy the break from running!
ReplyDeleteGreat job! Congratulations on finishing your first marathon AND making your time goal. Simply awesome!
ReplyDeleteThat is an fantastic finish time for your first marathon....you dug down deep when things got tough (seems they always do those last 6 - bleh!!) and pushed though the tough parts. Congratulations, girl!! You learned a lot out there on that course and no doubt you'll use that experience for the next one to do even better!! Smiling big time for you!!!
ReplyDeleteWhhoohooo you did it!! And under 4 hours is quite the achievement. Congrats!
ReplyDeleteYahoo!!!! Congrats on your first marathon- I am excited that you already kinda want to do another one. It took me a lot longer to say that about #2. For your first, you did great. Now you know what to train for and what to expect after mile 20. The race really is the last 6.2 miles. :-)
ReplyDeleteCongrats!!!! You did awesome, such a great first marathon! I have found that I can't fuel as much as the directions indicate, especially in marathons - it's too much for me. So proud of you, sounds like an incredible experience!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to you!! Those last 6 miles are killer... I've only done one marathon so far, and had a difficult final stretch, too. I think I'm ready to do another one, but it's taken me awhile. :) You had an awesome pace those first 20 miles, and definitely have a 3:40 or sub-3:40 in you. The marathon is so long, it becomes very unpredictable. But now that your body has done it, hopefully it will be easier next time around. At least, that's what I've been telling myself!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry about the troubles at the end, but still- great racing and an awesome time!! Your experience sounds so much like my first marathon.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your first marathon! Sorry you had the GI issues...that's not an easy situation but you dealt with it remarkably well and wound up with an amazing finish for your first! Hope you're recovering well! :)
ReplyDeleteYOU ARE SO HARDCORE!! Puking, cramping and still killing the marathon! I knew you would do great and you did amazing! Congrats marathoner!
aaaahh! I can't believe I missed this!! Christy, you ROCK! you did it!! it has been SO fun watching your journey the last year! so proud of you!!!!!!! xxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteYay!!! Congrats girl! I surely think there is something to be said about fueling too often for me. I much prefer a bit more gradual. My first marathon happened to be my fastest so far (I'm getting slower) and I only used one gel the entire time...just gradual "sips". NOt recommended but I didn't know what I was doing. Anyway, it is all an experiment. WTG girl! I said I would never run another too. But I will. ;)
ReplyDeleteOh man! Awesome job running your first marathon...and sorry about miles 19+. I think that is what scares me the most about ever running a marathon. My guts probably wont handle it and then the rest of my body will follow suit. Nice job meeting your goal!!
ReplyDeleteKiley @ DailyVitaminF
What a great recap! Way to tough it out at the end! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteCongrats marathoner! Way to push thru the gurgly tummy and fight for that sub-4. You are amazing!
ReplyDeleteYay yay yay! You did an a-maz-ing job Christy! It does sound like your body refused to be fueled! I think that's pretty normal though. Yay! :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! You still ran an amazing first marathon. It seems that no one's first ever goes the way planned. I was on track for my sub-5 goal for more than half of mine, but then my stomach revolted too and I struggled hardcore! For me, I think I did too much carb-loading in days prior and I couldn't take most of my fuel or liquids during my race. It's SO true that the halfway point of a marathon is mile 20 not 13.1!!! But--you are a marathoner!!