Sunday, May 4, 2014

Hats off

Sunday                 60 minutes elliptical
                            26 minute HIIT
                             48 minutes of yoga (Athlete's Guide to Yoga Strength Session)

Monday                75 minutes elliptical
                             50 minutes ZCUT Yoga 1
                            18 minutes HIIT with rowing

Tuesday              Much needed REST day

Wednesday         3.1 mile run (felt good no pain)
                           45 minutes elliptical
                           20 minutes yoga
                           15 minute AMRAP

Thursday            1.5 mile run

Friday                60 minutes elliptical
                          15 minutes yoga
                         20 minute HIIT
Saturday            20 minutes rowing

Running 4.5 miles in 2 runs
Elliptical 240 minutes in 4 sessions
Yoga 4
Strength 4
Rest days 1
Rowing 1

I was happy with how the week went my two highlights were running 3 miles and getting Friday off and getting to ride with my sweetheart on a perfect Montana spring morning.  When the cows calve we try to get them tagged right away to match their mothers.  My husband has rode every day since April 1st s to help my Dad.  Some mornings he tags up to 22 calves and others only 7.

Not a bad view
Here is a picture of Rance tagging, with the protective momma cow watching closely.  Bull calves get banded in addition to tagged.

The calf needs to have an ear tag with a number that matches its mom.  This helps for tracking purposes and when we move them to another pasture moms and babies have to be together.  If they are not, they will run back to where they last saw each other and it can be a mess.

Hats off to another week gone in 2014.  Hopefully next week I will have some better answers about my foot.
I missed my doctor appointment last week due to a sick kid that I had to go get from school.

How was your week?


  1. Rural living is where it's at! One adventure after another :) I love seeing your ranch pics. The shot from your horse is awesome!
    We don't have any animals here, but I appreciate the work it takes.
    Nice workouts too!

  2. We had a pretty good week over here in NW Montana also! Finally getting to wear flip flops! Although we have lots and lots of standing water...not sure if you guys over there do too.

  3. Looks beautiful where you are! Jealous of your amazing week! Keep it up!

  4. Awesome pics - it's definitely spring there now! I'd love to spend a day on the ranch on a beautiful horse like yours!

  5. Sounds like a pretty good week to me!

  6. Whoa--sometimes I forget that ranching really happens. It seems like another world to me--a very lovely, idyllic other world. Glad you got the chance to ride with your hubby. Great pics!

  7. Love that view with the shot of the horse, too. It's fun to hear about ranching life, Great to hear you had a pain-free run!

  8. Sounds like a decent week, way to go. Love the pics too!
    xo, Jess



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